
Evaluating Camp

How did it go?
Getting Started Teamwork Choosing a Theme Selecting a Platform Finding Activities Running Camp Evaluating Camp





There are three target groups you will likely want to get feedback from:

Girls: There are many ways to get feedback from girls (some will even give it freely as you go along) but my favourite is an activity called Two Stars and a Wish. You ask each girl or a selection of girls to share their two favourite things about the camp and one thing they would have changed.

Families: There are two simple routes you can go here. You can either simply ask for general feedback in an email after the event, or you can send out a short survey. Here are some question ideas.

  • Overall, how would you rate the camp?
  • How did you find the communication about camp?
  • How did you feel about the amount of screen time during the camp?
  • Would your daughter participate in a similar activity again?
  • Was there anything you would have liked to have seen done differently?

If you didn't get to ask the girls for their feedback earlier, you might also choose to include a question about their favourite and least favourite parts of camp.

Other Leaders: Make sure to make time for a debrief with your co-Guiders and include any older girls who helped lead some of the activities too.

<< Previous topic: Running Camp

My two stars and a wish about the experience are as follows:

Star: I truly enjoyed my experience redeveloping and expanding my website development skills. I appreciated all the available resources and online communities that meant that it was fairly easy to pick up a new skill.

Star: A silver lining of the whole Covid pandemic has been that it has given me some additional free time. Without it, I do not think I would have been as ambitious with this project.

Wish: When we do this activity with girls we say that the wish has to be something that could actually be changed and not something out of our control. However, my true wish is that virtual camps will not be necessary for much longer and that we can all connect together outdoors again.

This site was created by Elizabeth Knowles as part of EDU 5188 - Integration of Technology in Education - at the University of Ottawa in spring 2020.